The DC Department of Behavioral Health contracted Covington Enterprise to pilot their DC Peer Academy Program. This program aimed to heal the community from a top down approach. Covington was contracted to develop non-profit organizations that serviced mental health issues so that the orgs can help more people. The owners of the business we returning citizens who have struggled with mental health and substance abuse issues. During this pilot program, we successfully executed 137 deliverables within the proposed time frame by providing technical assistance to 3 nonprofits , Organized 12 educational workshops, and marketed 2 mental health conferences featuring the Deputy Mayor and Attorney General.
Covington Enterprise Provided Grant Management, Financial, Marketing, and Overall Business Strategy for the Peer Operating Center. DBH is committed to the development of POC(s) for consumers of behavioral health services who reside in the District of Columbia. A POC is a network of non-clinical services developed andmobilized to help attain and sustain long-term recovery for consumers and families impacted by behavioral health treatment.
Covington Enterprise Provided Grant Management, Financial, Marketing, and Overall Business Strategy for the Peer Operating Center. DBH is committed to the development of POC(s) for consumers of behavioral health services who reside in the District of Columbia. A POC is a network of non-clinical services developed andmobilized to help attain and sustain long-term recovery for consumers and families impacted by behavioral health treatment.
Covington Enterprise Provided Grant Management, Financial, Marketing, and Overall Business Strategy for the Peer Operating Center. DBH is committed to the development of POC(s) for consumers of behavioral health services who reside in the District of Columbia. A POC is a network of non-clinical services developed andmobilized to help attain and sustain long-term recovery for consumers and families impacted by behavioral health treatment.